The Attitudes of Elderly Women Regarding the Expression of Their Sexuality
Aged, sexuality, nursing, gender, gender and health, sexually transmitted diseasesAbstract
Atitudes das idosas quanto à expressão da sua sexualidade
Actitudes de las ancianas en relación con la expresión de su sexualidad
Objective: To identify the attitudes elderly women have with respect to their sexuality. Material and method: Exploratory, descriptive study of qualitative approach conducted during the second semester of 2018, with the participation of 19 elderly women, between 60 and 69 years of age, members of two groups for the elderly located in the city of Rio Grande-RS, Brazil. Data was collected through individual, semistructured interview and audio recorded. Thereafter, the data were subjected to the Bardin thematic analysis. Results: Upon analyzing the data, four categories emerged: Change in the expression of sexuality after 60 years of age; feelings derived from talking about sexuality; with whom do they talk about sexuality; importance of affective relationships for the elderly. The elderly women show favorable attitudes regarding their sexuality and noted no significant changes in the expression of sexuality after turning 60 years of age. However, they were embarrassed to talk about this matter because they had received a repressive education. In addition, they sought friends to address any questions. Conclusion: Affective, loving, and sexual relation are extremely important, given that it promotes physical and mental wellbeing, generates feelings of joy and happiness, which provides more vitality and pleasure in living to the elderly women.
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da Silva FG, Pelzer MT, Neutzling BRS. Attitudes of Elderly Women Regarding the Expression of Their Sexuality. Aquichan 2019; 19(3): e1934. DOI:
Recibido: 21/12/2018
Aceptado: 13/05/2019
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