Nursing Scientific Production on Teenage Pregnancy: An Integrative Review
Adolescent, adolescent health, pregnancy in adolescence, sex education, sexual and reproductive healthAbstract
Producción científica de Enfermería acerca del embarazo en la adolescencia: revisión integradora
Produção científica de Enfermagem sobre a gravidez na adolescência: revisão integrativa
Objective: To identify, in the national and international scientific literature, the evidence produced by Nursing that provides subsidies to prevent teenage pregnancy.
Material and method: An integrative literature review study, based on papers available in the PubMed, BVS, Scopus and Web of Science metabases, and in the Lilacs and BDEnf databases, in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, published from January 2013 to March 2020.
Results: According to the inclusion criteria, 13 articles were selected. The findings are presented in the categories “lower socio-economic conditions”, “knowledge, attitudes and cultural aspects” and “sexual education and specialized services”.
Conclusions: Teenage pregnancy is strongly associated with poverty and other socio-economic issues. Gender relations, communication about sex education in the family and other cultural aspects were found in the discussions, which indicates their impact on this phenomenon. Interventions involving sex education are shown as an alternative to cope. The presence of the nurse at the places that assist or concentrate adolescents can be a great element to reduce pregnancy rates in this phase.
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Fernandes DER, Medeiros M, Santos WS, dos Santos MG. Nursing Scientific Production on Teenage Pregnancy: An Integrative Review. Aquichan. 2020;20(2):e2025. DOI:
Recibido: 16/09/2019
Aceptado: 16/04/2020
Publicado: 06/07/2020
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