Qualitative evaluation of an educational intervention about healthcare improvement for nursing students





Quality of health care, nursing education, qualitative research, quality improvement


Objective: To explore the meaning of the experience and knowledge acquired by nursing students trained in healthcare improvement.

Material and methods: A phenomenological approach based on the Giorgi method was made through a group discussion of 21 European students from four countries in July 2019. The data was triangulated with the testimonies of key informants and with the use of an evaluation tool specific to this topic. The analysis was also triangulated with three experienced researchers who reduced the data by consensus to eight units of meaning.

Results: Nursing empowerment and horizontal health organizations were two of the most recurrent units of meaning along with professional values such as teamwork and humanization of care.

Conclusions: The knowledge, attitudes and values acquired are evidence of the shortcomings in the training of future nursing professionals in Europe. The theoretical and practical approach of the sessions, as well as the mixture of cultures, were strengths for the students. It is necessary to follow up on more cases that show the return on the training investment in substantial improvements in real contexts and its impact on the quality of care.


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How to Cite

Sierras-Davó, M. C., Lillo-Crespo, M., & Verdú Rodríguez, P. (2021). Qualitative evaluation of an educational intervention about healthcare improvement for nursing students. Aquichan, 21(1), e2112. https://doi.org/10.5294/aqui.2021.21.1.2


