Nursing Care for Kidney Transplant Patients: A Scoping Review




Kidney transplantation, nursing, nursing care, postoperative period, review literature as topic


Objectives: Mapping nursing care in kidney transplant patients.

Materials and method: A scoping review was conducted according to the recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewers’ Manual. Data were collected through 13 national and international databases from December 2020 to January 2021, following scientific rigor in the selection of the material. The pre-selection was made by reading the title, abstract and introductory text in advance; the materials included in this stage were read in full to define the content for the study.

Results: Fifteen studies were included. Of these, 60% are articles; dissertations, manuals, protocols, guidelines and bulletins totaled 40% of the material studied. 86.6% of the material has a quantitative approach. Regarding the methodological design, 73.3% were descriptive/transversal character studies. Regarding the mapping of nursing care, it was possible to divide them into two categories: nursing care after kidney transplantation (immediate, mediated and late) and nursing care after kidney transplantation in primary health/extra-hospital care.

Conclusions: It is concluded that the study allowed mapping nursing care to kidney transplant patients in the immediate, late and primary health care periods.


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How to Cite

Capistrano Teixeira Rocha, C., Alcides Viana da Lima Neto, da Silva, A. B. P. ., Victor Alexandre Silva Farias, Aurean D’Eça Junior, & Richardson Augusto Rosendo da Silva. (2021). Nursing Care for Kidney Transplant Patients: A Scoping Review. Aquichan, 21(3), e2136.


