Self-Management Program in Adults with Colorectal Cancer: A Pilot Study




Self-management, colonic neoplasms, patient discharge, treatment outcome, evaluation of the efficacy-effectiveness of interventions, nursing


Objective: To design and validate a nursing intervention and its effect on improving self-management behaviors in patients with colorectal cancer following surgery within eight weeks after discharge. Method: Pilot study using Sidane and Braden’s intervention design proposal, which included determining the guiding theoretical model, characterization of the intervention, validation with eight experts through content validity, and a pilot test with ten patients during the second semester of 2020. Results: The intervention obtained, called the Program for Self-Management Training in Colorectal Cancer (PEACCR, by its acronym in Spanish), is based on the theory of individual and family self-management in the dimensions proposed by Ryan and Sawin. The validity with experts indicates that it meets the criteria of clarity, precision, comprehension, relevance, and pertinence. The pilot reports an increase in self-management behaviors and the dimensions of knowledge, coping, and health personnel-patient alliance in months 1 and 2, with statistical significance. Conclusions: The designed and validated intervention increases the self-management behaviors of patients with colorectal cancer. The proposed scheme is highly acceptable to participants.


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How to Cite

Vergara Escobar, Óscar J., & Carrillo González, G. M. (2023). Self-Management Program in Adults with Colorectal Cancer: A Pilot Study. Aquichan, 23(1), e2317.


