Best Practices in Maternal and Child Health from the Perspective of Healthcare Professionals




Nursing research, patient care team, continuing education, maternal and child health, health strategies


Objective: To understand healthcare professionals’ perception of best practices in maternal and child health. Materials and methods: This qualitative exploratory-descriptive study was conducted between December 2020 and March 2021. The study corpus consisted of 23 healthcare professionals from southern Brazil. Data were collected using a semi-structured script and coded based on Minayo’s thematic content analysis proposed. Results: Data analysis enabled the delimitation of two thematic categories: “best practices in maternal and child health: from idealization to accomplishment” and “strategies to qualify the maternal and child healthcare network.” Conclusions: Healthcare professionals recognize the relevance of best practices in maternal and child health, although this process must be expanded and consolidated. Continuing education, hospitality, ambiance, improved access, and the professional-user connection stand out among the qualifying strategies.


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How to Cite

Santini, T. P., Muhlen, E. S. V., Marchiori, M. R. C. T., Kruel, C. S., & Backes, D. S. (2023). Best Practices in Maternal and Child Health from the Perspective of Healthcare Professionals. Aquichan, 23(1), e2312.


