Qualification of Prenatal Care and Management in the Context of Primary Health Care





Nursing Research, Patient Care Team, Continuing Education, Maternal and Child Health, Health Strategies, Primary Health Care


Introduction: Collaboration between different health professionals is essential to ensure safe and quality prenatal care and favorable birth outcomes. Objective: To describe interprofessional prenatal care and management strategies in the context of primary health care. Materials and method: Qualitative research conducted between August and December 2022. Data was collected using an instrument to analyze the content of infographics produced by 26 professionals working in primary health care in southern Brazil, as an evaluation activity for a qualification course. The content of the infographics was analyzed using the coding process proposed by Minayo. Results: The data analyzed enabled three thematic categories to be identified: “The necessary intersectoral and interprofessional coordination;” “Responsibilities built and shared between pregnant women and professionals;” “Planning and qualification of workflows and processes.” Conclusions: Interprofessional prenatal care and management strategies in the context of primary health care are associated with overcoming fragmented and dichotomous approaches, as well as the prospect of more participatory, dialogic, and interactive prenatal care and management processes, with the inclusion of various health actors.


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Author Biography

Dirce Stein Backes, Franciscan University

Pós-doutorado em Enfemragem pela Universität Osnabrück - Alemanha.

Docente e Pesquisadora do Centro Universitário Franciscano.

Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Empreendedorismo Social da Enfemragem e Saúde - GEPESES.


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How to Cite

Backes, D. S., Leite, A. G., Pereira, C. C., Knob, G. H., Backes, M. T. S., & Abaid, J. L. W. (2023). Qualification of Prenatal Care and Management in the Context of Primary Health Care. Aquichan, 23(4), e2344. https://doi.org/10.5294/aqui.2023.23.4.4


