Quality of Life of Senior Citizens at Social Welfare Centers in Cartagena (Colombia)


  • Estela Melguizo Herrera Author universidad de cartagena
  • Sandra Ayala Medrano Author
  • Maolis Grau Coneo Author
  • Alexandra Merchán Duitama Author
  • Tatiana Montes Hernández Author
  • Catherine Payares Martínez Author
  • Tatyana Reyes Villadiego Author


Quality of life, health, senior citizens. (Source, DeCS, Bireme).


Objective: Describe the quality of life related to the health of senior residents at social welfare centers in Cartagena (Colombia). Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study. The population was comprised of 187 seniors living at welfare centers in Cartagena. The Mental Status Test (Pfeiffer), a socio-demographic survey and the Multicultural Quality of Life Index were applied. Confidentiality of information was maintained, the participants remained anonymous, and informed consent was given. Results: The mean age was 75 (95%). Most of the participants are single (57.6%). Some have a primary education (45.5%), are receiving medication (80.3%), engage in physical activity (54.5%) and carry out non-productive activities (37.9%). The self-perception of quality of life related to health tends towards values that can be considered good (7.6%). Conclusions: The aspects with the highest scores were spiritual fulfillment and self-care; the lowest scores pertained to physical well-being and community support. The information will be useful to propose health care policies and practices for this segment of the population.


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Author Biography

Estela Melguizo Herrera, universidad de cartagena

Enfermero, magister y doctora en enfermería. Profesora titular Universidad de Cartagena.



How to Cite

Melguizo Herrera, E., Ayala Medrano, S., Grau Coneo, M., Merchán Duitama, A., Montes Hernández, T., Payares Martínez, C., & Reyes Villadiego, T. (2015). Quality of Life of Senior Citizens at Social Welfare Centers in Cartagena (Colombia). Aquichan, 14(4). Retrieved from https://aquichan.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/aquichan/article/view/2792


