Initial Validation of an Analytical Tool to Support Decision-making on Chronic Illness Management


  • Claudia Bustamante Author Escuela de Enfermería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Claudia Alcayaga Author Escuela de Enfermería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • J. Carola Pérez Author Escuela de Psicología, Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Solange Campos Author


Validation studies, decision making, chronic disease, self care, training, nursing


Introduction: Support for decision-making in health facilitates self-management by persons with chronic illness (CI). Objective: Validate the Spanish- language version of DSAT - cdm: an analytical tool developed by Stacey (2006) to support decision-making on CI management. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study applies a systematic process that considers a number of aspects, such as translation – back-translation, simulation scenario development, training evaluators, simulated patient training and training for partici- pants. Sample: 15 professionals and two judges, obtaining 60 DSAT - cdm with the applied Spanish version (pre and post training). Results: The instrument showed acceptable reliability in application among judges and found improvement in the quality of decision-making support on the part of professionals. However, no results were obtained that contribute to concurrent criterion validity. Conclusions: This study is the first assessment of DSAT – cdm in Spanish. The main result indicates a change is detected in the performance of professionals to support the decision-making process of their patients. Yet, despite this favorable finding, further evaluation of the instrument is necessary.



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Author Biographies

Claudia Bustamante, Escuela de Enfermería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera-Matrona, especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria, Magíster en Enfermería.

Profesora Asistente del Departamento de Salud del Adulto y Senescente

Claudia Alcayaga, Escuela de Enfermería Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera-Matrona, especialista en Enfermería Salud Mental y Psiquiatría, Magíster en Psicología.

Profesora Asistente Adjunta del Departamento de Salud del Adulto y Senescente

J. Carola Pérez, Escuela de Psicología, Universidad del Desarrollo

Psicóloga, Dra. Psicología, Profesora Escuela de Psiclogía Universidad del Desarrollo

Solange Campos

Enfermera-Matrona, Magíster en Psicología.

Profesora Asociada, Departamento de Salud del Niño y Adolescente.



How to Cite

Bustamante, C., Alcayaga, C., Pérez, J. C., & Campos, S. (2013). Initial Validation of an Analytical Tool to Support Decision-making on Chronic Illness Management. Aquichan, 13(3). Retrieved from


