Perception of Safety Conditions for Chronically Ill Patients in the Hospital Environment in Colombia


  • Elizabeth Vargas Rosero Author Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Rosa Coral Ibarra Author Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales. UDCA
  • Delia Moya Plata Author Universidad de Santander UDES
  • Vilma Tamara Ortiz Author Universidad Mariana de Pasto
  • Yancy Mena Author Universidad Tecnológica del Choco
  • Esperanza Romero González Author Universidad de los LLanos


Safety, safety management, patient safety, nursing care


Objectives: Describe, compare and associate the perception of safety conditions for chronically ill patients in the hospital environment in Colombia and in its five geographic macro-regions (Amazon, Andean, Caribbean, Orinoquía and Pacifico). Method: This is a descriptive, comparative and relationship-based study. The sample was comprised of 484 persons who have a chronic illness. The instruments used were the Characterization Survey for Care of the Person with Chronic Disease and the patient version of the Survey of the Perception of Safety Conditions in the Hospital. Results: Compared to the risk perception categories, only half are aware of the risks to which they are exposed and how to prevent them, and only half reported knowing their rights and obligations during hospitalization. Falls and phlebitis are the risks that are more likely to materialize. Conclusion: There is little appropriation of risk prevention and care. Consequently, there is a high degree of vulnerability to the conditions of the hospital environment in Colombia’s five geographic macro-regions.


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Author Biographies

Elizabeth Vargas Rosero, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Enfermera. Magister en Enfermería. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Profesora Asociada

Rosa Coral Ibarra, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales. UDCA

Magister en Docencia Universitaria. Docente Facultad de Enfermería. Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A

Delia Moya Plata, Universidad de Santander UDES

Enfermera Magister en Salud Familiar. Profesora Titular del Programa de Enfermería Universidad de Santander UDES.


Vilma Tamara Ortiz, Universidad Mariana de Pasto

Enfermera. Especialista en Enfermería Perinatal, Especialista en Docencia Universitaria. Magister en Enfermería. Docente Investigadora Programa de enfermería Universidad Mariana. San Juan de Pasto.


Yancy Mena, Universidad Tecnológica del Choco

Enfermera. Profesora Universidad Tecnológica del Choco.


Esperanza Romero González, Universidad de los LLanos

Enfermera. Magíster en Enfermería con énfasis en cuidado al paciente crónico. Profesora  Universidad de los Llanos



How to Cite

Vargas Rosero, E., Coral Ibarra, R., Moya Plata, D., Tamara Ortiz, V., Mena, Y., & Romero González, E. (2017). Perception of Safety Conditions for Chronically Ill Patients in the Hospital Environment in Colombia. Aquichan, 17(1), 53–69. Retrieved from


