Indicators of the Quality of Health Care in Home Hospitalization: An Integrative Review
Service indicators, quality of health care, home care services provided by the hospital, health-care quality indicators, research in nursing administrationAbstract
Objective: Describe the empirical production of indicators to evaluate the quality of health care provided to users of home hospitalization units (HH). Materials and methods: An integrative review was conducted using the Pubmed, Web of Science, IBECS, SciELO and the Cochrane Library databases. The search period went from 1990 to 2017. Results: Ten (10) documents were found: six original articles and four systematic reviews. Only three of the six original articles in question mention indicators related to unplanned hospital readmissions, unplanned telephone calls made by patients and / or the HH health team, refusal of patients to be admitted to HH, and errors in the administration of medication. Conclusion: Research on evaluation of the quality of health care in HH using indicators is very limited, especially in the field of nursing. The researched indicators were developed only in several European countries, but with no clear conceptual basis and without ensuring the scientific soundness and feasibility of the measurements.Downloads
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