Indicadores psicométricos do saber e o fazer de enfermeiros nos cuidados paliativos à pessoa com ferida tumoral
Nursing, cutaneous ulcer, neoplasm, education, knowledgeAbstract
Indicadores psicométricos del saber y el quehacer de enfermeros en los cuidados paliativos a la persona con herida tumoral
Psychometric Indicators of Nurses’ Knowledge and Work in the Palliative Care of Individuals with a Malignant Wound
Objective: To verify item discrimination, content relevance and measurement reliability of nurses’ knowledge and work in the palliative care of individuals with a cutaneous malignant wound. Materials and methods: Methodological, descriptive, correlational study carried out with 51 nurses from a philanthropic hospital in Paraiba, Brazil, during June and July of 2017, who answered an instrument with 84 items referring to knowledge and work in the palliative care of individuals with a cutaneous malignant wound. For data analysis, SPSS for Windows, version 22.0, was used with descriptive and psychometric statistics. Results: In verifying psychometric properties, item authenticity had a Cronbach’s alpha higher than 0.70 in all domains; therefore, we could make a theoretical assumption on the phenomenon, in which the more the knowledge of the palliative care of a person with a cutaneous malignant wound, the more the action of this care. Conclusions: This instrument enables other professionals to adapt the same methodology to other themes and to identify the specificities of knowledge and work, which could bridge the gaps in nursing education, especially palliative care.
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