Padre preparado y comprometido en su rol de acompañante durante el proceso de parto
Prenatal education, childbirth, parturition, fathers, social support, action research, health services researchAbstract
Fathers Prepared For and Committed to Their Role as Companions during the Birth Process
Pai preparado e comprometido em seu papel como acompanhante durante o processo de nascimento
Objective: To identify fathers’ needs in their preparation as a companion to provide emotional support to mothers during childbirth. Materials and methods: An action research project was carried out involving twelve men and their wives. Their educational needs were explored using focus groups and structured interviews during 2015 and 2016. Results: The main emerging themes were “knowing more about the birth process” and “being there with her and for her” as benefits that contribute to the role of a sensitive companion prepared to understand the woman’s needs. Considering one of the major emerging themes, antenatal training for fathers as companions and support during childbirth was developed, implemented and evaluated. Conclusion: It is essential to consider different strategies to strengthen the father’s role by increasing their skills for integration, empowerment and support during birth, and to enhance their satisfaction in meeting the needs felt in a family birth scenario.
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