Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the System Usability Scale to Brazilian Portuguese




Translating, mobile applications, software, data accuracy, evaluation of research programs and tools


Objective: To adapt culturally the System Usability Scale to Brazilian Portuguese and assess its internal consistency and structural construct validity. Materials and methods: This methodological study of a measurement instrument’s cultural adaptation included the initial translation, the translations’ synthesis, the back-translation, the evaluation by a committee of eight experts, testinh with a sample of 100 students, who evaluated the usability of the WhatsApp application, and the evaluation of structural construct validity by exploratory factor analysis. Results: The judges validated the Brazilian version of the System Usability Scale in the second round. It was revealed that, following the structural construct validation, the version had a unidimensional structure and an acceptable level of reliability (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.76). Besides, in the usability test, no suggestions for change were made. Conclusions: It is worth noting that the Brazilian version of this scale was semantically, idiomatically, conceptually, and culturally equivalent to the original English version and showed adequate reliability and structural construct validity.


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Author Biographies

Douglas Fabiano Lourenço, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Mestre em Tecnologia. Doutorando Ciências da Saúde – UNICAMP(SP).

Elenice Carmona Valentim, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Professora Doutora da Faculdade de Enfermagem da UNICAMP (SP).

Maria Helena Baena de Moraes Lopes , Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Professora Titular da Faculdade de Enfermagem da UNICAMP (SP).


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How to Cite

Lourenço, D. F., Carmona Valentim, E., & Baena de Moraes Lopes , M. H. (2022). Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the System Usability Scale to Brazilian Portuguese. Aquichan, 22(2), e2228.


