Sleep Quality Related to Internet Addiction in University Students in Ñuble, Chile, 2023
Internet addiction, sleep quality, student health, online social networks, restAbstract
Introduction: The Internet has transformed the daily lives of young people, facilitating their virtual education and their communication with the world. However, in recent years, Internet addiction has increased worryingly, characterized by excessive dependence and problematic behaviors, which can affect the quality of sleep, essential for human life. Objective: To relate sleep quality to Internet addiction in university students in Ñuble, Chile. Material and methods: Quantitative, correlational research, using two validated questionnaires: The Internet Addiction Test and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The sample is comprised of 230 students from a private university. The data obtained are analyzed using Jamovi software for the normality test and the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results: The data reveal a majority of female population, between 20 and 25 years old, in the Nursing program. The relationship between sleep quality and Internet addiction is statistically significant and shows a weak positive correlation. This pattern is repeated for subjective sleep quality and sleep duration. However, its alterations do not show a significant relationship. Conclusion: A weak relationship is confirmed between sleep quality and Internet addiction in university students from Ñuble. The detailed results underline the importance of addressing sleep health in the context of Internet addiction, highlighting the need for preventive and intervention measures that significantly contribute to improving well-being and quality of life.
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