Young Caregivers in Brazil: The Challenges of Premature Responsibility in the Home Setting




Caregivers, child, adolescent, caregiver burden, family relations


Introduction: The care provided by young caregivers can be understood as a complex process due to its multidimensionality, such that its effects and meanings can transcend the mere attribution of caregiver. Objective: To understand how young caregivers perceive providing care to a family member who is dependent on care. Materials and Methods: this is an exploratory, qualitative study, guided by grounded theory and the theoretical framework of complex thinking. Data was collected from 15 young caregivers and seven family members between August 2022 and October 2023, in the homes of young individuals and family members who were providing care to a care-dependent family member who are Brazilian residents. Data analysis followed three stages, namely: open, axial, and selective coding. Results: The data analyzed enabled the formulation of three thematic categories, as follows: “When the need to provide care suddenly becomes a reality;” “Becoming a young caregiver: lived experiences;” “The daily life of a young caregiver: types of care, expectations, and perceptions.” It was found that becoming a young caregiver was not a planned event, but the result of an unexpected event or illness. It was noted that the care provided by young people interfered with their academic, social, and family life, generating physical and emotional burden. Conclusions: the way in which young caregivers attribute meaning to providing care to a care-dependent family member is wide-ranging and permeated with ambiguous feelings, since while they feel overwhelmed and ashamed of exercising this role and exposing it to other people, they report becoming more mature and increasing their technical, emotional, and social skills.


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Author Biography

Gabrieli Patricio Rissi, State University of Maringá

Graduada em Enfermagem pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Aluna de Mestrado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem pela UEM. Área de Pesquisa atual - Gestão em Saúde/ Segurança do Paciente. Membro da Rede Brasileira de Enfermagem e Segurança do Paciente (REBRAENSP), núcleo Maringá-PR. Participa do Grupo de Estudos em Saúde da Criança, Adolescente e Família (GESCAF).


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How to Cite

Rissi, G. P., Uema, R. T. B., Piran, C. M. G., Fonseca, B. S. D., Shibukawa, B. M. C., & Higarashi, I. H. (2025). Young Caregivers in Brazil: The Challenges of Premature Responsibility in the Home Setting. Aquichan, 24(4), e2444.


