Úlceras por presión en niños


  • Ana Ceneth Bernal Bellón Author Funcional de Urgencias, Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia
  • María Clara Nieto Torres Author Unidad Neonatal, Hospital Simón Bolívar


Risk Evaluation, pressure ulcers in children, care strategies.


With this study the risk to get pressure ulcers in all children entering to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of “Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia”, between February 1st and May 15, 2003, was evaluate. The scale of Barbara Braden of six variables was use, to determine the risk grade exposure of the patient. 133 children were evaluate, in which 36% were in high risk and 64% in medium risk. According to this, new strategies were create to diminish the risk to get pressure ulcers, among them the use of skin evaluation form. As an important data, the occipital zone was the most frequently affected.


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Author Biographies

Ana Ceneth Bernal Bellón, Funcional de Urgencias, Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia

Enfermera Especialista en Cuidado Crítico Pediátrico, Unidad Funcional de Urgencias, Fundación Hospital de la Misericordia, Colombia.

María Clara Nieto Torres, Unidad Neonatal, Hospital Simón Bolívar

Enfermera Especialista en Cuidado Crítico Pediátrico, Unidad Neonatal, Hospital Simón Bolívar, Colombia. mariac05790@unisabana.edu.co



How to Cite

Bernal Bellón, A. C., & Nieto Torres, M. C. (2009). Úlceras por presión en niños. Aquichan, 4(1). Retrieved from https://aquichan.unisabana.edu.co/index.php/aquichan/article/view/45


