Visibilidad de la Escuela de Enfermería en los campos de práctica. Universidad Industrial de Santander


  • Luz Eugenia Ibáñez Alfonso Author Profesora asociada, UIS
  • Inés Cecilia Amaya de Gamarra Author Profesora titular, UIS
  • Viviana Marycel Céspedes Cuevas Author Estudiante, UIS


Nursing process, nursing diagnostics, North American Nursing Diagnostics Association (NANDA), Nursing Interventions, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), nursing records.


The real information of diagnosis and interventions done by students and teachers during practice, allows knowing the correlation between academy and assistance, giving feedback to the process of curricular reform, defining diagnostics and nursing interventions in real context, and making visible the role of Nursing Schools in the practice fields.

A descriptive study took place, designed and implemented following up the practice and its system of registry, carried out by students who attend theory - practice subjects, from 2001 to 2004.

The format was elaborated, and has validated its contents by teachers of the School. The software SIPCE was developed (System of Information of Nursing Community-Clinic Practices) allowing the systematization of data. Most frequent nursing diagnostics are presented by gender, age and health situation. It also presents nursing interventions done by students and teachers during practice.


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Author Biographies

Luz Eugenia Ibáñez Alfonso, Profesora asociada, UIS

Enfermera especialista en docencia universitaria, Msc. en pedagogía; profesora asociada, UIS, Colombia.

Inés Cecilia Amaya de Gamarra, Profesora titular, UIS

Enfermera especialista en educación sexual y procesos afectivos; profesora titular, UIS, Colombia.

Viviana Marycel Céspedes Cuevas, Estudiante, UIS

Enfermera especialista en cuidado crítico, UIS, Colombia.

How to Cite

Ibáñez Alfonso, L. E., Amaya de Gamarra, I. C., & Céspedes Cuevas, V. M. (2009). Visibilidad de la Escuela de Enfermería en los campos de práctica. Universidad Industrial de Santander. Aquichan, 5(1). Retrieved from


