Estimulación prenatal en gestantes de alto riesgo obstétrico: una mirada desde la ocupación
Pregnant women, maternal-fetal relations, prenatal education, occupational therapy, art therapyAbstract
Prenatal Stimulation in Pregnant Women with High Obstetric Risk: A Perspective from Activity
Estimulação pré-natal em manipuladores obstétricos de alto risco: um olhar da ocupação
Objectives: To reeducate pregnant women with high obstetric risk in prenatal stimulation practices and to involve them in activities that improve their quality of life while hospitalized. Materials and methods: Qualitative study with a participatory action research approach conducted during the second half of 2015 and the first half of 2016, through sociodemographic characterization, focus groups of knowledge of mothers’ experiences and practices, negotiation of educational prenatal stimulation workshops, performance of occupational activities, and evaluation of changes. Results: Thirty-five pregnant women between 18 and 41 years old participated. 80 % were diagnosed with preeclampsia and 50 % were less than 33 weeks pregnant. Differences and similarities were found in prenatal stimulation knowledge and practices, as well as the need to improve them. Negotiating educational workshops promoted the use and incorporation of practices as meaningful occupational activities; making a toy for the baby caused curiosity, exploration, occupational skills and consistent performance in response to environmental demands. Conclusions: In carrying out activities with sense and purpose, pregnant women incorporated ability, effectiveness and enjoyment in the processes conducted. Being busy allowed them to implement new ways of knowing and doing and motivated them to find meaningful activities in relearning prenatal stimulation.
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